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Power speech

Nate, Aeirly and I think that Power is obtained by earning respect or being in charge of somebody or something. An example of this type of power is either earning respect or being elected. President obama was elected as the president of the United States of America in 2008. In order for President Obama to be elected as president, he had to earn respect from the voters. If he didn’t win over the voters then he would not have won. Another example of power being obtained is the boss of a company. If you are the boss of a company then you are in charge of all of your employees. If you are the boss of something then you have obtained the power over your employees. Bosses also have moved there way up from being regular employees to being promoted to the boss.

Power is also obtained through leadership and hardwork. True power is obtained through empathy, trust, focus and integrity, but Power can also be obtained in many other ways by lying and being almost like a teachers pet to your employee's or whoever you are working with. Examples of being a teacher's pet to someone to gain authority maybe doing extra things to please whoever to get higher authority or doing whatever you're told but doing it one hundred percent more higher than you should be achieving it by. But there could be disadvantages by having power, people may use whatever you say against you to bring you down to their level. The reason why people may do this to you if you have the authority of power could be there jealous, or they do not want to see you succeed, another disadvantage of power is they may lose empathy, generosity, open mindness and caring about others. I think there's multiple ways that you can obtain power but you also have to have the characteristics of a good leader. There will be times where you have to fight for the power and authority. It requires a lot of work and and a lot of patience. I feel like there's different levels of power it can go from babysitting and you have the power over the kid. Or it can go all the way up to the president having power over all of us.

Pony express questions and answers

Why did it come about?

January-March, 1860: The firm sets out to establish the Pony Express mail service under the name of the Central Overland California & Pikes Peak Express Company. On March 2nd, St. Joseph, Missouri was chosen as the eastern terminus while everyone already knew Sacramento would be the western terminus.


What was its intent?

From St. Joseph, Missouri, to Sacramento, California the Pony Express could deliver a letter faster than ever before. In operation for only 18 months between April 1860 and October 1861, the Pony Express nevertheless has become synonymous with the Old West. ... It was later known as the Pony Express.


How has it grown and changed?

The pony express, has changed into an international postal service. The world can now send packages and letters across the world with less hassle. The postal service today is very organized and less confusing and more safe.


Where is it now?

The first Westbound Pony Express trip left St. Joseph on April 3, 1860 and arrived ten days later in Sacramento, California, on April 14. ... Today there is only a single letter known to exist from the inaugural westbound trip from St. Joseph, Missouri to Sacramento, California.


Overall, was it successful?

The pony express was very successful because the letters were delivered more easily and faster with less hassle. That was a huge event back then in those ages.



How the pony express changed/developed into over time v

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