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Chapters 1-5

Lit circle   

Timeline of events

  • Tom and Huck find 6,000 dollars in gold

  • Huck sneaks out to meet tom

  • They were almost caught by Jim

  • Tom Sawyer's gang was formed

  • Tom Sawyer's gang raids a sunday school

  • Huck’s dad comes back

  • Hucks dad goes to judges Thacker’s house


The time period of huckleBerry Finn was in the 18’00s and how the book makes the plot be in the 1800’s is first of all the language, people living back then in that age were not as educated as us today. Families and children were not forced to go to school. The philosophy back then was family before education, so the people back then talked with less class and low vocabulary skills.


The narrator influences the story by giving more detail about events that may or may not happen in the future. The narrator also gives us (the reader) his opinion on the events that are going to happen in the future. Huck also may change our opinion by telling us his opinion so we may think of the story in a completely different perspective then what we did before.


visual display of The Pony Express

Chapters 5-11

Lit circle

1.Explain why Pap has Huck locked up?

We believe that Huck Finn was locked up because his father didn’t want him getting involved in his lawsuit case. Another reason why Huck Finn was locked in his father’s cabin is because his father didn’t want the widow to come back and take Huck from him


2. Create a visual of how Huck escapes The Shanty.



3.In chapter 8 Huck and Jim run into each other. Huck says that people will call him a “low down Abolitionist and despise me for keeping mum” in reference to Jim running away. Explain what it means to be an Abolitionist. Why is it Huck is concerned about being called one? You’ll have to consider both the time period and the setting of the novel to answer the question.


An abolitionist is someone who supports slavery. Huck is concerned about being called one because he knows what it is like to be locked up in isolation and be treated like an animal. Huck also does not want to be called an abolitionist because Huck knows that having a slave is wrong and it is very inhumane.


4. There are several things that give Huck away when he pretends to be a girl. List them. Then, come up with 3 things that would give a boy away and 3 things that would give a girl away (if the roles were reversed) in our modern times.


  • The way Huck talks and his tone of voice.

  • The way he dresses to act like one.

  • His masculine features.

  1. Their voice maybe deeper than a womens.

  2. Their body shape ( muscles, height, weight.)

  3. Their features are more masculine than a womans .

  1. Their voice is more softer

  2. The clothes that she may be wearing are baggy and don't fit properly.

  3. The womens/girls bodies are usually slimmer and don't have much muscle mass

chapter 12-16

  1. What is the story of King Solomon and his child? How does Jim Interpret that story?

The story of king Solomon and his child is a bible story The Judgment of Solomon is a story from the Hebrew Bible in which King Solomon of Israel ruled between two women both claiming to be the mother of a child. Solomon revealed their true feelings and relationship to the child by suggesting to cut the baby in two, with each woman to receive half. Jim explains the story very shortly, with the main details only explaining them to Finn.


2.)The next day the fog has lifted and Huck finds Jim, who has also been sleeping. He lies down on the raft and wakes Jim, pretending that he's been there asleep the whole night and that the fog incident was all a dream.


3.)  Jim is very superstitious because he believes more in god and in religion because back in that time religion was a huge thing, you had to go to church everyday and you had to believe in something because that was the policy back then.


4.) Huck is usually mean to people with skin of color mostly because back in that time colored people were known as different minorities and they were disrespectful to them because they were slaves.


5.) Huck was struggling to give Jim up because they have been through so much together and they have really bonded very well with friendship and knowing each other more.

Chapters 17-21

1.Hucks opinion on the family is it seems they're rather affluent for the time and place, and Huck is impressed with their collection of books (on religion, art, poetry, and politics).He also comments on the pictures on the wall, which were done by one of the daughters of the family—a daughter that has since passed away. Hucks thinks the family is very well educated and proper

2.Colonel Grangerford, the head of the house and also a fine aristocratic gentleman.In fact, the whole family has good manners (read: they're uptight). The sons Bob and Tom are oldest; next comes Miss Charlotte (who is twenty-five) and her sister Sophia (twenty). Each of them has their own slave, The author does this to show how people are compared to Huck.

3.This period and Huck's life is not what Huck is used to and he is very stressed about about the whole situation about how things have not been going their way and Huck needs a break, to take time and think to himself.

4. Huck go along with their plan because if he doesn't huck will think that he is going to snitch to the cops because the two criminals do not know huck and they mostly think that he will go behind their back and turn them in.

5. The two criminals seem very confident in their plan so huck trust them and lets them lead the way, Huck seems confident that they had a lot of experience in life so Huck looks up to the in a way.

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Chapters 22-26

  1. The line would work to get people to join the play because the line is very cleaver and the audience may think the play is going to be good because of how the words in that sentence are worded a certain way

  2. Huck does not see the use of telling Jim because Huck knows that Jim is extremely uneducated and is not as aware of his surroundings like other people, so telling Jim would make him all confused and agitated, and Huck does not need that right now. Huck is asking Jim if he realizes that the actors are not the real King and the duke

  3. The duke and king decide to play the part of the dead man's brothers. They travel to town and make a big stink about the fact that Peter died before they arrived. (The king is playing the part of the preacher, with a British accent and all, and the duke plays William, the deaf mute.) Huck said that line because the play was extremely offensive to everyone.

  4. The doctor directly calls the king a fraud with "the worst imitation" of a British accent he's ever heard, so the doctor most likely thought they were imitating  the king and the duke.

  5. The king has bigger dreams. He's not satisfied with taking the cash when there's almost $10,000 in property to be sold off first.The duke isn't too comfortable with this idea, either, since he doesn't want to leave these poor orphans without a cent and without a house.

Chapters 27-30

1.Why did people stay up with the dead during this time period? (Chapter 27)

  1. The safety for that person's body

  2. So the body doesn't get eaten

2.What do we learn (or reaffirm) about Huck when he tells Miss Mary Jane the slaves will see their family again in inside of two weeks? (Chapter 28)

Huck is a very sympathetic person that really cares when someone is hurting.

3.What were the two methods the townspeople used to try to identify who the brothers were and who the frauds were? (Chapter 29)

They had people put their signatures down, and Harvey identified the tattoo on a brother

Chapters 31-35 

1.Huck says “You can’t pray a lie.” What lie is he trying to pray about? What does he mean? (Chapter 31)

It means that it isn't going to work because God knows the truth so he won't help you out with a lie.

2.Why does Huck tear up the letter he writes? (Chapter 31)

He was writing a letter to Miss Watson because he felt bad about Jim

3.Huck is disappointed that Tom would help him steal Jim. He says “Tom Sawyer fell, considerable, in my estimation. Only I couldn’t believe it. Tom Sawyer a nigger stealer!”

What do you think of this? (Chapter 33)

I think that Jim And the owner would of been confused and Huck is smart enough to know that so i agree with Huck.

4.Huck says two things at the end of chapter 33:

Huck thinks that even though humans can do good things but in the end humans aren'

1.“Human beings can be awful cruel to one another.”

2.“But that’s always the way: it don’t make no difference whether you do right or wrong, a person’s conscience ain’t got no sense, and just goes for him anyway.”

What does Huck mean by these two statements?

Huck thinks even though humans can do good things but in reality humans aren't really good people at all or not what you think they are

5.Why are Tom and Huck looking for a more difficult way to break Jim free? (Chapter 34)

Huck doesn't really care that it would take longer and Huck thinks that it's worth the extra minutes for a more better plan

Chapters 35-40

  1. In the process of breaking Jim free, what is Tom’s motivation? What is Huck’s motivation? (Why are they doing it?)

They're doing it because they both know that slavery is wrong

  1. What do Huck and Tom mean when they say they “let on” about something? Why do they do this? (Begins on chapter 37)

Thye mean to stall

  1. Why is Tom writing the letters and posting warnings? Why did he give instructions to his aunt and uncle’s slave? What are his motivations for this? (Chapter 39)

Mostly to distract the other people from thinking that its them

  1. We’ve worked a great deal on this novel’s satirical elements. How is the planning and plotting of Jim’s escape by Tom and Huck satire?

Because They make fun of other people's failed attempts of breaking into things and sealing things

  1. Towards the end of the chapter Huck says “I knowed he was white inside” about Jim. Why does he say this and what does he mean?

It means that Jim always trusted those people and that he acts like a white person.

40 1 END 1. Huck felt bad that she was treating him with so much respect when Huck and Tom were lying to her about who they were. He probably felt like he didn’t deserve anything because he had helped Jim escape, and was pretending that he was someone else which was tom.
2. Jim, in this situation, wanted to help Tom, as Tom had helped him escape. He was willing to risk his freedom to help save Tom. As the audience we see the characters grow and develop all together and they become very empathetic.
3. Tom exposed his and Huck’s plan about freeing Jim to Aunt Sally while he was recovering. I don’t think it was malicious but it wasn’t very nice, but he had slept for a long time after the doctor helped his leg. He also told Aunt Sally how he wasn’t Sid, and Huck wasn’t Tom.
4. I think that Huck is a wise person who had a bad background. Him as a character had a huge development and his morals changed through the book. I really liked how Mark Twain kept Huck very empathetic and have good feeling for people  instead of keeping him like everyone else. Having Huck as a narrator was good because he was the most wisest character in the book

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